erotic muse

  A 6 Day Initiation to remember the magic origin of your body, heart + womb

17-22 September 2024

“ Liberation. This is what this retreat is about. I have never learned to love my body, to sharpen my gifts, to honor and celebrate my or other women´s authenticity. Here I find all of that. Here we can liberate each other, and fly, and find pleasure in all of life. ”

— Anastasia, Participant of Erotic Muse May 2024

“ Being here is a deep remembering. I feel empowered, inspired and held. Its a place of deep vulnerability and authentic expression. We come with wounds that we long to have tools of alchemy for, and we receive. Here we celebrate healing through and in togetherness. ”

— Klaudia, Participant of Erotic Muse May 2024

“ It felt like coming home for me. Yes, its magic and its tangible, its physical, its real. A week long treat of emotional and embodied communion; collective healing held by incredible skilled leaders. This retreat is for women who want to find a deeper connection with themselves, their hearts aswell as their living, breathing body. ”

— Kifka, Participant of Erotic Muse May 2024

a field where women heal women

A study-field of the feral feminine into deeper liberation, power and magic

..this study includes..

Tantric Breathwork / Erotic Embodiment

to open your body and expand in capacity to receive and hold the intensity of love and life

x to activate your divine willpower and soften into your feminine essence

Heart / Womb / Body Dearmouring

to release, tranform and alchemise the core heart-break that keeps you from relating with others in deeper truthful intimacy

x to re-connect and remember your sensual core nature and ignite a deep lovership with your body, heart and soul

Erotic Alchemy

x to remember yourself as a divine creator of love and life, soul-sensual origin

x to experience an embodied transmission of magic through the body

Sound healing / Vocal Alchemy

to activate your voice (leadership) in your relationships, service and purpose

x to meet your unique artistic expression and core-nature as living poetry and embodied priestess

“This retreat is for courageous women and leaders that are longing to be held and mirrored by other powerful women.”

— Klaudia, Participant of Erotic Muse in May 24


This first pillar is the soil of our work. We come together to heal, uplift, empower the parts of us that need each other.

Women heal other Women.

It embraces the understanding that we need to relearn and re~sensitize our bodies what it feels to feel safe, open, vulnerable with each other and with life. This is the foundation. I trust ~ in myself, in cosmos, in my sisters. I feel safe ~ in my body, in my erøtic current, in intimacy. Breath by breath, we are expanding our capacity to receive, be and respond in fierce love & radical truth.

Our pillars of initiation.


We serve each others unfolding with sensual dearmouring - an intuitive healing modality that works deep in the soul~tissue of our being. 

A Woman´s touch is a portal for profound magic.

Bodies have their own ancient language and touch is how we meet in communication with this sacred vessel. Our womb holds deep wisdom and a portal to the primordial dark (void). Touch is how we will remember our divine nature. Through touch we will remember who we really are.


This third pillar is the soul of our work. Ritual art ~ Ceremony work.

Joyful, ecstatic, emotional.

Through voice, touch and intention we ignite states of trance to vibrate us deeper into the wisdom of body and connection with the pulsating force of the one love that hold us all. In every moment, life can be a celebration.

Our ceremonial work embraces devotion to the teaching of the land we are with, sound~healing and embodied poetry. A Woman´s nature is the temple. A Woman in union with her body (womb) is the holy grail we have been looking for.

erotic muse through her voice ..

“This is so much more then a retreat, this is life changing. Every Woman should become the chance to be witnessed in her power like I experienced this week.”

— Megan, Participant of Erotic Muse May 2024

“ This work is meeting yourself through the eyes of others, through the magic of touch, in wild depth. Its sacred. Being vulnerable in group with other wild women made me remember how powerful we truly are.”

— Annelie, Participant of Erotic Muse October 2023

“Its amazing to watch Mahé work, she knows exactly when to remain still and not say anything and when to move towards someone and offer a touch or sound. She moves with such purpose and grace, I feel a deep trust in what she brings. ”

— Kelly, Participant of Erotic Muse May 2024

Meet the Core Team



  • AGA






Mahé Ravi

Founder / Lead of Erotic Muse

Devoted to beauty, her touch is healing medicine.

I am a Initiatress to the feral feminine as living current of magic. I love to merge the primal forces of emotion with the primordial intelligence of eros; to remember our true nature; wild, soul-sensual, connected to source.

My field of knowledge is grounded on studies in performance art, trauma healing (NARM), non-violent communication, dearmouring arts, constellation and nature ritual work, erotic ancient temple arts, mythology and mystery of dark matter (void & black hole studies).

And, nothing has shaped me more then my own story of rebirthing through the radical commitment of my heart to crack through and unearth all the barriers where I myself and we as a collective are closing ourselves to love. This is the core of my medicine and purpose.

Voices of the Core Team …

“The work we are doing here is unfoldment of juiciness, truth, beauty, magic, sisterhood. A field held and deeply nurtured by the feminine. This work is for women who already know who they are and are ready to claim and demand more. This work is for humanity, as it is of benefit to all when the awakened feminine decents into her body.”

— Agni Chandra

“My desire is to create a field where magic unfolds from deep soul relaxation. A space of deep healing while being remembered of the infinite beauty of life. I invite Women, who want to sharpen their intuition and step into active co-creation with life. Women that want to go deep and havnt found a space that offered them the radical commitment to love they are longing for. ”

— Mahé Ravi

“You have to be courageous to sign up for this group work but there is something magnificent to enter expansion and healing work within a group soul.

We are here to learn and grow with each other and this is the change I would to see the world - feminine magic and healing rituals deeply embodied.”

— Aga

will you join us?


For this Initiation we are invited to feel home in the stunning retreat centre SERRA VIDA, located in a beautiful valley with the Sever River flowing through 8 hectares of untouched, raw nature in Portugal’s lush Serra de São Mamede National Park. We are located a 2.5h drive inland from Lisbon, close to the Spanish border and the medieval castle town of Marvão.

Your Investment.


Single Room

including six Days of Initiation + delicious organic treats (all meals covered)

Your spot is secured with a deposit.


Shared Double Room

including six Days of Initiation + delicious organic treats (all meals covered)

Your spot is secured with a deposit.


Shared Room

including six Days of Initiation + delicious organic treats (all meals covered)

There are four reduced spots for portuguese citizens / women with portuguese income available. Contact me if this applies to you. Repeaters of Erotic Muse are offered a special price of 1111,- Euro.

Your spot is secured with a deposit.

This Initiation

is for you


  • You desire meeting wounds that have been broken open in connection and long for conscious intimacy to heal.

  • You are on the path of spiritual awakening, seeking a field that is held and nurtured by powerful feral feminine leaders and healers.

  • You want to be initiated to the art of erotic alchemy with de-armouring touch. Awakening sacred portals in your own body and guiding others home to erotic power and deeper intimacy.

  • You are on the path of liberating your untamed sexual expression and celebrate your body as a source of magic, mysticism, spirituality and depth. And you know there is more magic awaiting you in your life. Come and be celebrated and empowered by other erotic muses.

  • You’ve walked the portals of death and rebirth, trauma and shadow, fully drinking in your Initiations of life. You are not afraid to shed your skin, embodying an radical soft leader for the new era of love.

  • You’ve always felt magnetically attracted by love and eros. You have been a muse for your lovers, accompanying others through the portals of transformation. In this chapter of your life, you are stepping into the active choice of leading from your womb and pussy wisdom.

  • You want to be able to hold yourself in your wildest depth, with all the messiness and chaos of the raw + wild feminine, celebrating your full spectrum and at the same time following your hearts’ truth with integrity.

  • Falling in love is psychedelic for you. You are here for the heart-breaks, knowing that they unravel the illusion of separation and open you the gate for a deeper way to love.

Our body

of work

feral feminine mysteries, ritual work, heart de-armouring, pussy portals, eros & emotional alchemy, orgasmic breath work, intuitive healing touch, heart opening, art musing, feminine archetypes, embodiment & shadow work, soul-centered leadership, yoga of intimacy, relationship poetry, body prayer, mythology, elemental wisdom, energy reading, photo ceremony, the erotic current, psychedelic origins of the heart …



  • This is a Initiation for the body, heart and soul. We invite a sense of self-responsibility to own your process and meet your depth. This is not for you if are coming in uncertainty if sensual healing the medicine you are able/need to receive right now. This is for the Woman, who is ready to offer her eros in service to life.

  • Here are some of the ways in which this program might serve you:

    • It will serve you in expressing and alchemising your emotions

    • If you’ve been waiting for a combination of erotic, feminine spiritual and grounded down-to-earth trauma healing work - this is for you!

    • You will finally really drop into your body as an endless source of spirituality and depth, and reap the magic of it.

  • No. You are always encouraged to move at the pace of your vulnerable truth. And, at the same time, our teachings embrace the potential and magic that lies in the vulnerability of stripping heart, soul and body naked. If you choose to join EROTIC MUSE, know that this will be an essential part of the journey.

  • In short, no. In longer explanation; the work we are doing is erotic sensual, meaning we are supporting each other to unfold our erotic core nature through healing touch. Sexual exploration amongst each other is not facilitated or part of the program. That said, we hope that erotic innocence amongst sisters becomes liberated, natural and “normal” again.

  • With your registration we ask for a deposit of 550 Euro to secure your spot. The rest of the investment will only be due shortly before the event. For any further questions, simply reach out via the intake-form below.

  • We are trauma-informed and move with the purpose to alchemise core wounds into liberation and deeper intimacy. That said, this is not a retreat to start your trauma-healing journey, nor does it replace therapy. If you are on medication or have a history of mental disorders, we need to know that upon your registration.

  • The 550 Euro Deposit are non-refundable. On the rest amount we offer..

    75 % refund until 01 August 2024

    50% refund until 01 September 2024

    25% refund until 15 September 2024

    You are always welcome to find someone else to take your spot if you cannot make it. In that case, please make sure that this person has read the requirements & refund policy and send us an email with their full name and email.

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